The back-to-school season is full of questions for moms: what should my children wear on their first day? Will any of their friends be in their classes? How will we manage driving between school, soccer practice, and guitar lessons in peak traffic hours? But one question stands out above the rest: what should I feed my kids to make sure that they’re healthy and energized?

As summer comes to an end and school starts up again, we reached out to a handful of supermoms and asked what they like to put in their kids’ lunchboxes to get them through their long days of learning. Here are just a few of our favorite responses:

 Journey of Parenthood

girl with lunch bag

Emily of Journey of Parenthood has a daughter that just started school, which means she was ready to pick out her first-ever lunchbox, complete with cupcakes and plenty of pink. Because of the school’s peanut-free policy, Emily provided us with seven different peanut-free lunch combinations for parents who might be in a similar situation. Each recipe contains a great variety of protein, grains, fruits, veggies, and a healthy treat, ensuring that her kids (and yours) will be fully-fueled to face the day.  You can find Emily’s easy to make and nutritious meals here.

Mama Hall

lunch bag full of healthy snacks

Eryn of Mama Hall understands that getting her kids to eat a healthy lunch sometimes takes a little “mommy magic”. To help appease all the picky eaters out there, she offers a bevy of great advice to help parents get their kids enthused about eating a healthy lunch. Some of her favorite tips include letting her children pick out some of their lunchbox snacks at the grocery store, including surprise notes in their lunchbox, and adding some fun flair with colorful napkins and cutlery.  You can find the rest of her tips here.

And Her Little Dog Too

personalized lunch bag

Leslie of And Her Little Dog Too recently sent her son off for his first day of preschool. Even though his school day lasts just a few hours, she wanted to be sure to send him off with everything he may need to succeed.  Some of these necessary items include: labels, a new backpack, and of course a lunchbox packed with goodies.  As far as appearances are concerned, Leslie jokes, “Converse + first days of school go together like peanut butter & jelly! Minus the peanut butter if your school is allergy friendly, like ours is!”  To read more about Brooks’ first day, you can read Leslie’s post in full here.

Keri Lynn Snyder

girl eating snacks on blanket

Keri Lynn Snyder of her self-titled blog reminds us that the back-to-school season isn’t just a big time for the children who are heading off to class. With both of her sons in school, she now has plenty of time to spend with her youngest daughter. Keri chooses to make this time special by using lunch as an excuse for a fun, healthy indoor picnic with her daughter and her favorite dolls and stuffed animals.  You can find out more about Kerri and her mommy + daughter date by reading her post in full here.



Are you a mom? How has this year’s back to school transition been for you? Share any tips or recommendations you may have down below in the comments!