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Stuffed Plush Animal Gifts

Our stuffed animals and plush teddy bears and toys are so soft, so cute and so incredibly cuddly that we’ve had to dedicate an entire department to them. Welcome to Personal Creations, the home of personalized gifts and keepsakes.

From plush bunnies and chicks, to funny cuddly monkeys, bears and lambs, you’ll certainly fall for our unbeatable line-up of plush creatures which make perfect gifts for baby girls. There’s no occasion our fun animals aren’t prepared for! For a birthday, check out our jolly birthday monkeys that can be customized to include a name and birthday greeting. For a communion or confirmation, shop our adorable keepsake bears that can be beautifully embroidered to feature a name and date.

It doesn’t matter how old, or young you are, a great teddy bear can still make for a great gift. Young or old, any teddy bear collector will simply love our assortment of personalized teddy bear collectibles. Think loveable and romantic gifts that say I love you, traditional personalized teddy bears and even fun and festive personalized Valentine’s bears and you’ll have just a few of our beary inspirational bear finds!

For the youngest little ones and newborns, take a peek at our baby friendly, snuggly crib companions. Designed with a soft and unbelievably satiny little blanky is everyone’s favorite first stuffed animal with a can’t-sleep-without security blanket. Give one as a baby shower gift, wrap one up as a welcome home present or gift one to a newborn and you’ll have one happy baby.

Fun shopping is what we’re all about, and when it comes to our cool collection of kid’s stuffed animals, plush dolls and teddy bears, we’ve certainly dialed up the fun factor. And if you’re looking for toys from the Melissa and Doug collection, look no further. With a clean and colorful take on traditional kid’s toys, they are sure to leave a smile on your child’s face. When you shop our many furry and fabulous friends you’ll discover dozens of amazing customization options – from creating a gorgeous personalized bear for a big brother or sister, to simply embroidering a name on a plush animal.

No matter who you’re shopping, for or what occasion, you’ll adore the shopping experience here at Personal Creations. From great customer service, to unbeatable personalization options, we’ve got amazing personalized gift shopping all wrapped up. We’ll take care of all the details so your amazing stuffed animal or teddy bear gift is perfect.

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