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GMA's "Deals and Steals" Features Personal Creations' All-in-one Easter Basket

Still haven’t started your Easter shopping? Then it’s time to get “eggsited” for this amazing offer just for Good Morning America (GMA) viewers. Personal Creations is partnering with Good Morning America’s “Deals and Steals,” to offer our All-in-One Easter Basket at an amazing 50% off plus free shipping! You get one of our most popular Easter baskets at an incredible price of just $17.49. Our All-in-One Easter Basket features an adorable spring-inspired 100% cotton lining in your choice of 6 colorful designs, personalized with your child’s name or any playful message. Along with its delightful design, it comes loaded with a delicious variety of jelly beans, chocolates, marshmallow Peeps, and a large chocolate bunny. Choose from our Deluxe, Premium or Ultimate basket and each includes a snuggly plush bunny.

You’ll find a wonderful selection of personalized Easter gift ideas for your entire family at Personal Creations. From fun Easter baskets and stuffed animals to whimsical candy jars, unique Easter-themed apparel and lovely spring décor for your home, we have everything you need to wrap up a fabulous Easter holiday. And as with most of the gifts you find here, we offer beautiful personalization options on all of our Easter gifts and baskets. Surprise your child with a beautifully customized Easter gift from Personal Creations.

Please note that selecting other products not featured on the GMA “Deals and Steals” segment may result in a later delivery date.

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