Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate the fall bounty with family and friends. It’s not a time to worry about whether we cooked enough mashed potatoes or if the gravy boat is about to run dry. Just answer a few simple questions and our custom calculator will help make sure you have plenty of turkey to go around. 

It’s the atmosphere that truly sets the stage for a memorable Thanksgiving dinner. That’s where our exquisite Thanksgiving decor comes into play. Set the scene with warmth and charm, creating an inviting space where loved ones can gather and give thanks. Elevate your Thanksgiving traditions with our thoughtfully crafted decor, because when you surround yourself with beauty and attention to detail, you’ll not only savor the flavors but also the moments that make this holiday truly special. 


Cooking for large groups isn’t an exact science. Our calculator makes a few assumptions that you should keep in mind when supplying your answers. 

  • Kids count as half an adult, so if you have a growing teenager you’ll probably want to count him as an adult regardless of whether or not he gets to sit at the “big table” this year. 
  • We planned our drinks based on a 2- or 3-hour event. If Thanksgiving lasts all day at your house, you may want to select heavy drinkers even if Aunt Ida gets tipsy on a single glass of wine. 
  • Our dessert calculations assume that your pie serves 8. If you prefer cobbler o
Thanksgiving Prep Calculator

Who is coming to dinner?

Describe your guests:

Do you want leftovers?

What are you serving?

What kind of bread do you like?

Choose your pie?

What are you drinking?

You Will Need:

0 pounds of turkey
0 pounds of ham
0 cups of stuffing
0 cups of mashed potatoes
0 cups of yams
0 cups of green bean casserole
0 dinner rolls
0 pieces of cornbread
0 cup(s) of gravy
0 can(s) of cranberry sauce
0 pumpkin pie(s)
0 pecan pie(s)
0 tub(s) of whipped cream
0 bottle(s) of wine
0 six-pack(s) of beer
0 six-pack(s) of soda
0 bottle(s) of sparkling cider

Now that you know how much food you’ll need to feed your brood, check out these personalized platters and custom casserole dishes to serve Thanksgiving in style.