pink breast cancer ribbon

Slightly under 12 percent of women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer at some point during their lifetime. That means that one out of every eight women in the U.S. will have to fight this deadly disease. Men can also get breast cancer but it is uncommon for them. Breast cancer is an uncontrolled breast cell growth resulting from abnormal gene changes. These affected genes are responsible for regulating cell growth and keeping cells healthy. The term breast cancer actually refers to a malignant tumor which stems from cells located in the breast. What are some symptoms of breast cancer? Symptoms can vary greatly from person to person and some people may have no obvious symptoms at all. In addition some symptoms can merely be a non-cancerous infection or cyst. However there are unusual changes in the breast that can possibly be related to breast cancer. These symptoms can include: breast pain; skin dimpling or irritation; a lump located in the underarm area; nipple discharge that is not breast milk; the nipple turning inward or nipple pain; scaliness, redness or thickening of the breast skin or the nipple; and swelling of part of the breast or all of it. If you have any of these symptoms it is not necessarily breast cancer but could be a less serious condition such as a non-cancerous cyst. The web is filled with important information regarding breast cancer and how to help fight the disease. The following websites provide you with more in-depth breast cancer information and related events which support the deadly disease.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

The article explains common symptoms that can be related to breast cancer while the website also features articles on: diagnosis, treatment and side effects, day-to-day matters, lowering your risk and a community area. 

Breast Cancer Events 

The Breast Cancer Fund offers three signature events and helps you locate other events supporting their work that are near you.

Find a Making Strides Event Near You

The American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk events are located throughout the U.S. And this website provides you with all the walk information you need.

Breast Cancer Awareness Association

The purpose of this association is to provide support and information regarding breast cancer 

and to help improve the quality of life for survivors, their families and their friends.breast cancer pink ribbon balloons

National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.

The website provides information on subjects such as early detection, just having been diagnosed and how you’re not alone.

Beyond the Shock

This is an interactive educational resource that can teach you about breast cancer, provide real stories from breast cancer survivors and allow questions and receive answers.

Make a Pink Breast Cancer Pin

The American Cancer Society shows you how to make a pink breast cancer ribbon and explains that it is a symbol meant to increase breast cancer awareness.

Breast Cancer

The Mayo Clinic provides information on what breast cancer is, symptoms, causes and many other related topics.

Breast Cancer Information

The National Cancer Institute offers information on various cancer topics, clinical trials, cancer statistics and research and funding.

The Breast Cancer Deadline 2020

The National Breast Cancer Coalition is dedicated to ending breast cancer by the year 2020.

Susan G. Komen For the Cure

The website provides information on many breast cancer subjects such as understanding breast cancer and becoming involved while also offering race for the cure event information.


The organization provides breast cancer news and events and an expert blog as well as general breast cancer information.

Breast Cancer Alliance

The organization offers breast cancer events such as an annual pink party and discusses grants and breast cancer news.

Men Against Breast Cancer

This organization focuses on helping men to be effective caregivers as well as assisting in the fight against the deadly disease.

Mothers Supporting Daughters With Breast Cancer

The organization provides free support for mothers who have daughters who are battling breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Support

This is a support group for breast cancer survivors which offers online chatting.

Young Survival Coalition

This organization focuses on young women with breast cancer and offers events as well as coping tools and information regarding the disease.

Fighting Breast Cancer With Heart

The Linda Creed organization provides information on programs and services, advocacy, events and breast cancer information.

Living Beyond Breast Cancer

The focus of this organization is on breast cancer survivors and even offers a survivor helpline.

Breast Cancer Options

The purpose of this organization is to provide women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer with information regarding their options.

Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation

This organization provides support for both men and women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and for people who are concerned about breast cancer issues.

The Breast Care Site

The website offers information on quality of life, renewal, in treatment, newly diagnosed and community and support.

Inflammatory Breast Cancer Foundation

This organization is dedicated to the fight against inflammatory breast cancer which is the most aggressive type of the disease.

Cancer Action Now

The purpose of this organization is to help cancer patients with cancer treatment options.

Breast Cancer Action

The website offers a free toolkit which provides information on the problem of breast cancer.

Breast Cancer: Integrative Treatment Program

The Cancer Treatment Centers of America website offers a video that shows how breast cancer forms and spreads as well as information on hospitals, doctors and treatments.

Avon Walk For Breast Cancer

This website provides all the information you require regarding Avon walks for breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Treatment

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers information on various breast cancer treatment options.

Estrogen Receptor-Positive Advanced Breast Cancer

The website discusses resistance and disease progression.

Breast Cancer by MedicineNet

The website offers a breast cancer quiz and provides a lot of relevant information to breast cancer such as causes of breast cancer.