At Personal Creations, we want our romantic personalized gifts to serve as daily reminders of love, not just Valentine’s Day or the day the gift is given, but timelessly throughout your life. For this Valentine’s Day season, we reached out to top bloggers and asked them to use a Personal Creations product to tell a story about their relationship with a significant other. Below are some of our favorites…



“The day came and Miss M was born. Our 19 hour pain medicine free labor was a bit exhausting…but Ryan was fantastic and helped any way that he could. We arrived home with our bundle of joy and sure enough baby was attached to me most of the time. Ryan was trying to be helpful, but there was not much for him to do. Honestly, I think he was getting a bit bored..,about 4 days into us being home from the hospital Ryan shows up with a grill! He decided that he couldn’t do a lot as far as feeding the baby, but he sure could help feed me! I think the rest of the time he was home he grilled dinner for us. He got to play with fire, be manly and helpful!” – Cassie

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“Maybe I dreamt of him. I’m not sure. I just remember that I awoke this morning with thoughts and words and feelings that kind of overwhelmed me for a moment. As my eyes popped open and I caught a glimpse of the fresh, morning light streaming in through our bedroom window, my heart sang. He is amazing. He really is.” – Kristy

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“We actually got into a huge fight the night before our wedding.  HUGE.  It was stupid.  I was stupid.  He was stupid.  We both said things we didn’t mean.  When it came time to go our separate ways for the night and get some sleep before the happiest day of our lives/sleep off the mad”¦the last thing I wanted to do was kiss him.  No way, no how.  I was justifiably mad at him!  Not at all in a kissing mood.  In that moment, he said something I will never forget, “Always Kiss me Goodnight” no matter what.”  I remember thinking he was crazy and against my own selfish desire, kissed him goodnight.  It was worth it!  I love that our marriage started this way.  No matter what the fight “we always kiss good night.” – Holly

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“Last year, I convinced my darling husband and our three offspring to put all of our worldly belongings into storage (besides what would fit in our Honda Pilot) and live as nomads for 11 months. We traveled all over the U.S., staying in furnished vacation rentals for 3-4 weeks at a time (with a 3.5 month stint at a place on Cape Cod). We were a homeschooling and work-from-home family already, so we learned and worked as we went. It. Was. GLORIOUS. And honestly, supporting my wild, wanderlusty dreams was the most romantic thing my husband could ever have done for me.” – Annie

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“As I entered the back doors of the church, I spotted Chad standing nervously at the altar.  It wasn’t until I looked at pictures later that I spotted the fire that was starting in one of my spray painted planters. When I reached the front of the church, I heard a slight commotion, but I was oblivious.  I thought all of the gasps were centered on my beautifully sparkling wedding dress.  Now that I think of it, I’m sure the firelight did reflect nicely off of the sequins. Some heroes carried not one, but two flaming planters outside and Chad’s uncle kindly stomped them to death on the church yard where I had played red rover as a child” – Melissa

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“When I was paralyzed just a little over 15 years ago I knew I still wanted to find love, settle down, get married and make beautiful babies. Nothing was going to stop me. I just didn’t know I would find this man. In fact, I didn’t know what our life would look like at all.” – Priscilla

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“Eleven years of holding hands through uncertainty. Experiencing life and death together. Changing sheets and changing diapers. Moving from apartment to house to new city and onward. Watching movies and watching children grow and watching time fly by together. Eleven years of growing stronger and closer together day by day.”  – Erin

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“Don’t we have enough Erics here already? I asked and laughed at my little joke. I was uncomfortable and awkward and wanted to get out of that house and go watch my friends make fools of themselves while belting out Madonna songs. I made small talk and tried to blend in for a while, and then it happened. That moment that would change my life forever. Eric Mills finally got there. (An hour late, which should have warned me that I would spend the rest of my life waiting for this guy. But I probably would have fallen for him anyway.) After that, nothing was ever the same again. And moment by moment, a life was built.”  – Angela.

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“I spent decades desperately searching for love. I’ve always been a passionate soul, and I ached for this ever-elusive knight in shining armor to find me. I journeyed through my tumultuous teens and my careless twenties, in search of The One. I thought I found it in a grappling handful of hopeful men. I came to believe that love was unpredictable or at best, quite fleeting. I dove deeply into passion, only to reveal its darker side of torment and trepidation. I fought hard for love. And as I embarked on my quest, I thought I found The One many times. I didn’t. I discovered over and over again that what I thought was true love wasn’t love at all. [But then] on February 17th, 1999, I met him.” – Chris

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“I remember back in 2010 after we’d chosen our wedding venue we had to wait for another bride to lock down her date before we could choose. It was either January 29th or February 5th. As anxious as I was to be married, the January date was a week sooner so that would have been exciting but I fell in love with the February date. Sounds cheesy but the word February just slides off your tongue, it’s romantic. People are already feeling mushy and how fun would it be to celebrate each year of marriage when love is already in the air (and on every end cap of your grocery store).” – Ruthie

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We’d like to extend a big thanks to the fantastic bloggers who contributed. Tell us whose story was your favorite in the comments below.